Christians in the Middle East: Towards Renewed Theological, Social, and Political Choices
This document will provide Churches with a profound change required to move Christians from being obsessed with existence and survival to taking the risk of presence and witness.
It means building durable overall policies and enabling Christians to fulfil their mission and to play their role in faithfulness and creativity.
This change will help to revival the spirit of synodality, reject the spirit of dissension and competition.
Churches will collaborate to formulate a specific theology for the region.
Churches will try to adopt their theological speech to the context and make it understood by young people.
The document will change the mentality and the practice about the issue of women and transform the reality of how they are treated in Church and society.
It will enhance the respect of diversity, acknowledge the right to be different, and honours economic integrity, social justice and productive equity.
Christians will open a new page in relations with Muslims and Jews in the region.
Christians will be more committed to the causes of this region and its peoples.
Christians will contribute to transform society into a more just and humane society.